I did not had the time to remove the red eye, this was taken from Glen's cellphone. Its me and the girls minus Ava. Miss u girl.
Busy busy. Ryan and I met up with my UST college friends at Fat Johnny's last night. Glenn had long hair. Rolan looks the same. Jovel is still quiet and Don has a girlfriend. It was Precious's despedida. Nyaw's and Ruth's Post beerday. Nina was there, I think what stuck to my mind was the '2-seconds topic' 'all nighter miracle drug'. Other facts would be: it was beernight but then I was sipping on mango Juice and H2o. Ryan was having carbonated soda. Im not trying to be goody-goody, I just didnt feel like drinking beer (-for quite a very long time since). Beer is a social drink I am not a fan of these days. Siguro next time... we'll see. Anyway, I learned that Carlo went back to the US for good. Anne is going back to school. Jen is getting married. Ava has been a no-show in all parties they invited her to. Shally was on the phone, she'll visit Manila next year. :) Im glad I dropped by.

It was nice to see them again, although Glenn and Rolan cant help but notice the weight i gained. you mean guys you. ;)(hey i lost weight already) :P Their reaction made me feel like I was 200lbs again.. :P guys give me a break, its not like its easy coming down from a whooping mass of 200lbs right?. At least Jovel said he saw me on TV once, no sense but it was probably the nicest comment of the night :P. (haha I was probably standing in for Juday that time ;p)
I waited until Don got there before we left. I,too was curious about the girlfriend. ;)
Im happy for him.
So there we were, we kissed-cheeks each other goodnight,then Ryan and I were on our way home.
We stopped at 7-11 to buy Czesca's babyfood. As I was waiting for Ryan to fill his cup of slurpee,I spun around to find Manilla's dad behind me. I smiled and and recognized him. Her dad, her mom and I chit chatted a little.
I forgot to tell them to say hi to Illa for me. anyways "Hi Illa". :) She is selling some pretty nice genuine accessories, visit this page http://www.manillascollection.multiply.com/, another friend, Camille is selling commercial accessories, http://www.xarixari.multiply.com/ Okay..back to normal blogging. :)
At home much later that night, just before Ryan popped in 'Zodiac' in the DVD player. I was playing with Czesca (who wasnt asleep yet). Czesca was having so much fun she was crying :p. Im a saddist mom, office mate said. uy ah I love Czesca, I was just making baby fun of her, dont drag me to the police station or Bantay bata yet. DSWD dont confiscate her from me. :) She was afraid of a cartoon fish - sticker. She'd freeze for a while at the sight of it and then make baby whines, which we found cute until Daddy thought it was enough with the she's-scared-over-some-fish-sticker-cuteness and had to take her away from evil mommy. okay here's the clip: (Note: No babies or any fish was harmed during the recording of this video, No water was needed in the filming of this video. ) you may click on "The Fish" link below:
Anyway after the terrorism ( which i am sorry na), She went to sleep while Ryan and I stayed up until 2 am to finish the movie 'Zodiac'. I bet Im gonna be sleepy on the bus that morning and I was. :).
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