The Jacob character is one of those whose dialogues and parts I anticipate in the book, he makes me laugh.
It’s true. But all in all they all have fascinating personalities. It's good to laugh.
I was going to continue reading, I’m on the last book now but I stopped myself, maybe the suspense or pause would do me good. I slept at 2:30am and woke up at 6:00am, with a bad stomach, I figured I carry the book with me which was not really pleasant to visualize but maybe it’s not so unthinkable either. I ended up reading by the bed until 9:30 am when I realize I had to wake up in less than a few hours to feed Czesca.
Anyways, it’s almost the end of the year, actually maybe even closer. It is truly amazing how time flies but then again I think to myself that maybe it is what I want after all, for time to fly by fast. I read on my last blog last year, it was about having my teeth cleaned by the dentist and me accidentally biting on her thumb the whole time. So this time, maybe it is again going to be about my teeth.
My left wisdom tooth has been slightly impacted for the longest time; it’s been trying to force itself to sprout since I was probably 18. Seriously. It’s painful, irritating and makes me feel like my normally puffy cheeks are even puffier.
Because of the frequent recurrences, I already know this would last for about 4 days or so and then go away and be back again some other time. ½ of the tooth is showing but even then it is still buried underneath my gums. I wondered why my dentist hasn’t taken it out yet, maybe she’s afraid of the many crucial nerves we might hit that It could paralyze half my face or worst, maybe result into some kind of distortion.
Sometimes for literally no particular reason, I feel my heart dry up and the beating feels hard and sad.
I would wonder why, maybe hear
tburn, but I wasn’t really aching physically. I’m not even sure if aching is the right term. Its like Optimus prime is calling the autobots from across the universe and I happen to be one, and I think im hearing a call but I don’t, that’s a close metaphor, but even I am not buying it. Okay so there maybe a particular reason but I’m definitely sticking by no particular trigger factor. It just happens. It’s like the annoying impacted wisdom tooth I have where pain just springs back and goes away on its own. Or maybe I help make it go away. It is nothing. Nothing. N o t h i n g. Convincing?
its probably hormones. sneaky manipulators.
I had a good year I suppose
. Christmas was fine as well. Christmas was for me when I was seven and I was gullible enough to think Santa thought I was a good kid and was the one putting chocolates in my worn out school socks
. Okay I exaggerated. They are not worn-out; just used
. And slowly but surely while growing up, It seemed I lost Christmas altogether, it was just something I wished someone would compose for me before, and after I realized I lost it. Wow. Do I sound bitter.
I know the facts, Christmas is about celebrating the coming of Jesus in our world and actually more, I respect that, but in the undeniably worldly fashion, Christmas was a universal sentiment with meanings that differ from person to person or from kid to kid. It’s not blasphemy I’m trying to do, its not like I’m saying something the world doesn’t know yet. Anyways, I do
n’t exactly have a point but just a redeeming heart, that there was a turning point in my life when I believed that Christmas was a special occasion once again. It was hard though, there were Christmases that came when I believed like so but then had experienced something different anyway. But its back. Christmas is for Czesca. I was determined to anticipate it with jingle-bells as the sound of my heart’s beatings. Actually I also realized that you can’t lose something you don’t own. Christmas is not mine. It was for everybody so maybe I didn’t lose it when in fact it lost me for a while back then. I am the prodigal child of this holiday. I’m glad I’m home.
This blog is too long, I might as well turn it into a novel myself. I doubt if anyone would go through this word per word. And that makes it a lot easier for me to exhale a lot of things in my thoughts. My thoughts. What about them. They are too many I could blog to the next galaxy and even the aliens wont be interested
. Procastination is good; amazingly it doesn’t even feel that bad. Do I sound like two person right now? Im nuts. In so many ways I am. 
Anyways, we are going to Rustan’s to grab something, Harvey gave us GC’s (for Czesca), but when he called the other day, I
fooled him and made him feel guilty when I said that we already went but got sent away because the GC’s were invalid due to unknown reasons Haha
Harvey was apologetic though, he told me to return the GC’s to him and he’ll change or verify it and then return it to us so we can go back to that branch of Rustan’s where we were imaginarily-denied from. Sucker
. Hehehe. Peace. Peace.
Happy Holidays though People!
Love, Cherryl ( the girl with too much nonsense making sense
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