If in the case it doesnt get published in our school paper due to lack of space as i was told. Because its going to be more like a newsletter and not really broadsheet type. Sayang naman so I decided I'll just post it here. I submitted this article last sem. Its my thoughts on life reflecting some of my ideals.( I know that most of the time, I blog about only funny things that happens to me, but its simply because I also read back on my blogs
and i guess that whenever i do, i want to be reminded of happy thoughts, because often its the pains in our lives that are easier to remember,right? and the world is already full of that, so I want to contribute something else. I also hope that when people read pass them, it can evoke smiles (haha ambitious!), but its just so that this happy thoughts will no longer be mine alone forever. Its out of a good heart, promise
) So here goes:
Boy Palpak; Changing Your Stars.
Cherryl Zuno
The world may size you up based on the mistakes you have committed, judge your capacity based on the wrong turns you have taken and envisage your future based on your past, but your heart shall tell you they are mistaken because we are not what life makes of us, we are what we make out of life, all we need to do is find the courage to have faith. It is factual to say it is easier said than done, when sometimes it feels like life will always hit you where it will hurt, break you when you are already shattered, blind you when it is already dark and lose you when you are already lost but if you trust your heart and you pick yourself up no matter how hard the blows, you will always find yourself, still standing.
It all sounds cliché, but it is true. People are not merely hindered and limited by their errors but mostly by what they believe it has made them become. Thus it is important that we remember who we are and that we are more than our mistakes. So Instead of regrets, learn; instead of self-pity, forgive; and instead of moving on, do better. In this way, live your life and not the other way around. It will not mean that life from then on will be cherries and perfect, sure, even when you do this, mistakes, disappointments, failures and a series of heartaches will still follow you where the road is slippery and then the world may once again size you up even worst but if you keep your faith, you will always find your way back.
Everyday we make decisions in our lives, and it’s not hard to eventually make a wrong one, but it is definitely not easier to always make the right ones. We have to understand that bad things happen, it messes up our lives but it should not mess us up.
An eight year old girl once said that things will someday change for the better; she watched as everything around her collapsed domino style and she heard them when they said nothing good and nothing much can come out of such a chaotic life. Going through some dark alleys of life growing up, she learned that at times you will reach out for anybody but nobody will be there and that even you will tire out of trying to understand why things happen when they do, that it is hard to be good when everything else has gone bad and hard to see the right choices when they are not even there. ‘She’ll be lost forever’ whispers alleged.
Let us find out if they were right. How do you change your stars when every night is starless? ~ Seek them in your eyes, don’t let their glow die. This girl is in fact yours truly, still learning, still forgiving and definitely doing better.
It is God’s grace that he routes our lives in sometimes the most complicated ways. It is after all in our greatest adversities that we truly learn to recognize the most beautiful things. So although life is not perfect, live it, simply because it is yours.
haha medyo baduy ata yung third and second to the last paragraph...but its true. hahaha
Originally composed Last July 12, 2008