My left wisdom tooth is impacted. Over the years i have blindly hoped that one day it will just sprout out smoothly and be fine but its been 4 years and it still tortures me every now and then. The attack of pain is unpredictable, most of the time it feels okay, meaning i feel no whatsoever pain, but when it does, it stays on for a week of extra puffy left cheek with annoying pain. Biting is just as painful. I thought i can neglect it forever (although having it extracted has come to mind more than twice already,but that was when i still didnt have an idea of how the extraction is being done and now i certainly know) until it felt swollen again since last night. Even gulping down liquid is uncomfortable. There is a twitch also to my left eye whenever it becomes too painful.
So I looked it up on the net this afternoon. And found out that i have to have it removed asap before it gets fully mature and more painful plus the high risks of complications. Expenses again. It is our birthdays on the last week of September, House bills are to arrive by next week. etc etc. And Im guessing the surgery would be more than 10k itself. AAAAh most probably. Also, so much for the dental braces plan, i have to fix my wisdom tooth first...Anyways, I called a certain oral surgeon up but she was not in her office, ill call her again tomorrow. I am to take antibiotics for 7 days prior to surgery to minimize risk of bacteria during the time of operation. Im thinking of opting to be sedated when the procedure is up, i am super scared.
Having an impacted wisdom tooth removed is not the same as having a decayed tooth extracted. I saw on the internet that they break it down to 3 parts by drilling it (correct me if im wrong) before they pull it out, while having regular extraction is simply pulling of the teeth out. I dont know what to expect. I have low pain tolerance. The thought of someone digging through my teeth, my gums, excavating my mouth is scary enough. Im thinking of asking for my mom's financial aid this time, Im going to ask her when i get home, first i am to buy her that gold cellphone strap she so wants to lubricate the future tee-hee, Im doubtful she'll help me with the money issue but im taking my chances. It'll like bring down oral anxiety to 70%. ;)
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