Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I had a bad headache yesterday afternoon. I wasnt feeling well. When I got home, I ate arrozcaldo, and forced myself to watch a little TV. Ryan said " idlip ka lang muna" and I closed my eyes around a quarter to eight and i ended up sleeping though the rest of the night. I woke up at 7am. My head still killing me. It is the first time since I dont know when, that i was able to sleep through the night with an early head start.

When i was sleeping i had dreams playing in my head,
and When i woke up, i had a poem instead...

I shouldnt make a big deal out of dreams. Dreams are just dreams. Someone from that dream told me this once before. What i make out of dreams is purely on me, the only thing coincidental is the dream, the meaning i give to this dream however is on me, therefore deliberate.

Odd as it already is, I opened my old friendster ( account 1-which i rarely check) and it is funny how I never noticed the bookmark section again until now. It had a note below that said 3 days ago, and so i clicked the tab.
It seems I bookmarked someone I used to really know ( who has added a new friend 3 days ago).. before and have totally forgotten I did. ( I probably bookmarked this person for years now...because there is no way i bookmarked the person in 2005,2006 and 2007. I sighed a sigh of goodbye and click the delete bookmark tab. God bless once again in your life and may you always find happiness wherever you go. ta-ta. I will always wish you well.

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