Thursday, August 2, 2007

Dejavu in Dreams.

It is said that a person has different layers or levels of sleep. Each level manifesting a dream.

Around 11:45 am this morning,I chose to sleep rather than have lunch. My tummy ached and I was not in the mood for lunch. I curled up on the long cream leather sofa inside my boss's office. I can hear my officemates, opening their lunch and chatting from the conference room while i sense myself getting sleepier. Their voices fading in every next second that passed. I would wake up every now and then to turn from side to side or check the time. The last time I checked it was 12:57pm, and Abigail found her spot on two other single leather couches pushed in a way towards each other to form a bed.

Not long after or so it seemed, I felt myself awake but couldnt get my eyes to open. I can't move.
I relaxed and forced my eyes to open but it didn't. I thought " oh God, Binabangungot ba ako? Wake me up please".

I forced and forced till I pulled my body up just as fast as i was able to open my eyes and looked around. A sigh of relief was coming until i realized I was still on lying position and my eyes were still closed. "Oh my God the first one was a nightmare" This time It's real, I cant open my eyes. I did the same thing again and pulled my self up only to discover right after that i still had my eyes closed and that i was back on the lying position again. I was getting scared. I mustered all my strength to open my eyes up, and it cracked open a little bit but still i wasnt moving. My body was still. Then I woke up only to find out for the third time that my eyes were still closed and i was still asleep. It was really creeping me out. (Struggling to wake up for the third time , only to find out that you were still asleep and it has been just a dream like the first two times i woke up.) I called Abigail's name in my head, to help me, I called until i began crying and until I can finally hear my voice. My eyes were still closed. I think by that time Abigail heard me, She responded to my moans but walked away crying herself. (which was weird.) Then i woke up. I woke up for real and learned that the fourth time where in i was calling her name had also only been just a dream. A dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream. Really weird. It was like being trapped in the same scenario over and over again. I sat still for awhile before i headed for the restroom. I washed my face with cold water to make sure Im awake and if im not, then for myself to wake up. 1:30pm - Just in time to get back to work.

It was a really weird sleep. Unlike some people, I do not wish to die in my sleep. I really want to have time to say goodbye and all that drama first. :)

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