Sunday, August 26, 2007
Nang Minsan ako'y Asong ULoL.
Let me just insert this " when someone is being a bitch, calling her a bitch is an understatement, i prefer to call her 'asong ulol' " :p haha. and yesterday i was being one.
Ryan said over the phone " labylab...may itatanong lang ako sa yo.... ilang beses ka ng kumain ngayong araw?"
I denied that my mood had anything to do with how many times i ate or how much i ate that day and went double furious over his question. I barked until i ran out of barks and he was just laughing on the other end of the phone telling me how cute i was. Like fueling a raging fire- i just wanted to put my left hand into the phone receiver and somehow slap him from the other end of the line. When we put down the phone i was still very much on fire. The truth is i myself dont know why. I know its not PMS because I just had my period.
Anyway my cousin's girlfriend was having her birthday party over last night and so there was a lot of food on the table. So right after our talk on the phone,I grabbed myself a plate. And after feasting on spaghetti and barbecue sticks and liempo, I realized Im not angry anymore. Actually I was instantly happy and Ryan's question echoed i my mind. " labylab may itatanong ako sayo... ilang beses ka na kumain ngayong araw?" and i smiled. I told my cousin who witnessed all my rabies-filled barking "Hindi na ako galit, happy na ko." She gave me funny look and said " weird ka...adik". ;p
hahaha :P I texted him naman my apologies, I knew he already know why i was mad annoyed of everything ;p... I was simply hungry. Para naman akong baboy. hahaha :P pakainin mo lang masaya na... hahaha hey hindi naman... just so happened na talagang i get pretty moody pag nagugutom hahaha...baboy nga :P asong ulol na...baboy pa....??? ;p hehehe so its one of my dark sides. Thanks talaga to my Ryan kasi eventhough we are countries away right now...grabeh read na read niya ako.. hahaha :P. nakakainis. Now we all know i cant fake being full? when im hungry, you'll know :P hehehe.
Now dont get me wrong.. Hind naman me bitchy or weeiiird - weird. ;) Just perfectly unperfect with all the right spices and definitely lovable. Probably just like you. Badong kung minsan. :) (kumontra ka, pitikin ko mata mo) :P
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Bruneiyuki. :P
Che: O naiiyak ka na noh?
Ryan: ikaw nga jan eh
Stephanie: oo nga Eh ikaw nga mukhang naiiyak jan eh. (honey said to me)
I laughed. hahaha sarili ko pala niloloko ko. hahaha :P
Ryan is off to fly with the team to Brunei today.
All i asked him to buy me is tela. yes tela. cloth.
Uniquely printed fabrics. as pasalubong.
It hasnt sink in to me yet, that later when i come home, we wont be having dinner together.
We wont be having midnight snack a.k.a second dinner later.
Czesca and I will have the bed to ourselves.
Im not even sad. just unalive. Is that worse? hahaha :) no naman.
well, we'll miss you.
be waiting for you.see you in what 2 weeks?
ingat! wag ka mag pa Hostel jan. scary :)
haha kulang na lang:
letter na.:P harharhar
Read this in tagalog " Terible " i almost missed Ryan's pre-boarding-the-plane-last-minute-call because of poor signal dito sa desk ko sa office.. ( ".)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
All Mixed Up.
a portion of my brain for hannibal.
one beat less for this heart
each passing day i spent away.
away from the poems i used to silly write,
away from the colors that used to give me life.
The tick of the clock haunts me
and the tock of the clock taunts me
ay nako. wala toh. nag chichikahan kasi kami ni mhaan nung lunch break about things we want to do, long term career paths we want to take, and im sort of off the road. :)
inner struggling.
why. kasi im talking positive, thinking positive, feeling negative. hahaha :) or the other way around. bast hindi tally. ;)
Im just traumatized by how unpredictable my life's swings has been. Who would have thought Id find myself in the office doing paperworks, monitoring shipments,calculating forecasts,emails, involving myself with terms, Proforma Invoice,FA, Ex-works, ROHS, Accounting Terms, Raw Materials, NG defects - burr/short shot/ sink mark/ etc,Sales out of Never-existed in my life part numbers of the most oblivious items , industrial / mechanical / assembly companies shop for, etc.etc..
I never thought Id be in this chair. so business-ly. ( :P I re-invented this term for this one time use only,dont worry.) Eventhough the new job allows me to be the more artsy me, It hasnt been finalized.The scope, the offer, the training in Vietnam. Its still all a question to me... Everything is a 'will wait and see' status. Sure i know the training will be good for me if it pursues,Im taking it... but can i just say im somewhat scared and nervous also, imagine... facing long time big time professionals.. age ranging from 35-45 yrs old or older, all looking really really dead serious and I remember myself. Im in my early 20's, who is more used to wearing jeans and flats, clamps her hair whatever way, under-experienced, shit they'll know Im a rookie. I am a rookie. --ill do my best, compensate?--Im like alin alin alin ang naiba, piliin kung alin ang naiba - Batibot ;) (warning: typical inferiority complex attack :P) of course when the time comes they wont see me like that, but deep inside..chaos. hahaha ;) But until then, the unknown will seem alien and scary to me. Inevitably when you are already there, it seems all you can do is just do it or dont do it and lose your job and be stupid. :) I know its normal for everyone to feel this way sometimes, even the New boss will feel butterflies in his/her stomach during first brainstorming activity right? or not hahaha :)
inner struggling number 2.
I really want to go back to school.
I plan to do both, work and study, both full time.
conflicting schedules will be hard, what if have to go somewhere and i really cant miss a class?
see. see. see. priorities are all mixed up.
finish what i started which is okay or take a new course (AGAIN)this time take something i want.
what do i want, a lot of things parents tell you are stupid courses. hahaha :)a choice of Fine Arts. or something leaning towards it. Lifestyle. Humanitarian. Why the hell did i leave Sociology if ill end up looking for it someday. who knew? my bad.
Computer programming is not exactly my beloved choice. But only 2 years more and Im finally done.
And stock knowledge i have from it has done me good in my job right now. (considering its mere basics only)
Another sentence: Im the C.A student who joins a fine arts contest? wins it. do you think im lost or can i make this work for me? who sits infront of my computer to make the buttons work, a little later comes up with a song, am i lost?
I'd like to try making C.A work for me. There has to be some way. hahaha Im really mixed up.
The only thing not confusing in my life right now is ryan, me and czesca. that is one solid angle im looking at :P
Until then. Blog ends here. :)
Just Do It. - Nike
Impossible is Nothing.- Adidas
Monday, August 20, 2007
A Day without Rain...
August 22. Why do we commemorate someone's death? is it simply beacuse we cannot forget?
All the rivers flow to the Sea
Yet the Sea never become full
But to the place where they Go...
The river keeps on flowing.
-Ecclesiastes 1:7
sometimes when i pray.. i tend to fall asleep half way.
or Sometimes Im just trying to pray. Most times, my prayers are light and other times they are too dark.
But there are prayers we mean, we mean to the heart ...
I remember...
I never begged for a bigger miracle.. than for my sister to live.
Watching her gasping and forcing herself. .
Lord I do not know the reasons why ...
but behind my doubts is a trusting heart..
that You are God... A God who is just.
And that You.. have plans for us.
And that everyone has a purpose.
That where.. You have taken my sister is a far better place than here.
--Achie. ( Same prayer for 4 years. same prayer)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

There is a bigger new job for me at the office :P
It should be good news as it is good news.
Everyone says it is good news and it is good news.
so how come my eyes arent as sparkly?
Again, Is my life about to get busier?
Can i handle it?
oh help me God. ;)
we'll know soon enough.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
When i was sleeping i had dreams playing in my head,
and When i woke up, i had a poem instead...
I shouldnt make a big deal out of dreams. Dreams are just dreams. Someone from that dream told me this once before. What i make out of dreams is purely on me, the only thing coincidental is the dream, the meaning i give to this dream however is on me, therefore deliberate.

Odd as it already is, I opened my old friendster ( account 1-which i rarely check) and it is funny how I never noticed the bookmark section again until now. It had a note below that said 3 days ago, and so i clicked the tab.
It seems I bookmarked someone I used to really know ( who has added a new friend 3 days ago).. before and have totally forgotten I did. ( I probably bookmarked this person for years now...because there is no way i bookmarked the person in 2005,2006 and 2007. I sighed a sigh of goodbye and click the delete bookmark tab. God bless once again in your life and may you always find happiness wherever you go. ta-ta. I will always wish you well.
Monday, August 13, 2007
1.5 litro ng Pepsi nga po.
One vendor was selling this:
It caught my eye that he was making and cutting them to shapes, on the spot, and that it was made out of plastic liter bottles of softdrinks. It's not really Class A Material, just the fact that it tells so much of Filipino Ingenuity. So what about it? that some Filipinos actually have talent but does not know how to pursue it, does not have the chance to pursue it, does not know they have talent or worst,does not believe in their talent anymore . Whatever goes for you.
This is a you-buy-it-as-it-is kind of marketing. No Packaging, No beautiful polishing finish, just as it is. Its just somebody trying to impress you with something familiar turned unfamiliar and get you to buy at least one. This person's cry of Poverty. As Poverty either forces someone to see things will never get better or to see things differently each time... In this case, the latter. They have turned this plastic bottle into another very different thing. Plus points were the very delicate details.
He was selling this for 35php. I bought it for 25php. We have to give credit for the talent. Mahirap talagang maging ordinaryong Pinoy sa gitna ng Maynila. Kaya sampung palakpak sa ating masisipag na Pinoy. Atleast hindi sila nagnanakaw or nanghoholdap. To think, out of 100 people who will pass him by and see what he is selling, although a big percentage will stop to admire, only a small percent takes time to appreciate a little more to give this guy credit not only for ingenuity but for his hardwork and actually buy one. And mahirap mag gupit the whole day, masakit sa thumb.
This is an ashtray by the way, i just used it as egg holder...because other than my daily breakfast of pollution from smoke belching jeepneys etc etc (during my pedicab ride to the bus station). I am a non-smoker, thank you. :PAng Binyag ni Joaquin

Back to Restaurant events, Well Czesca walked around a lot and dragged her yaya everywhere. The problem is Yaya here does not say 'excuse me' when she's walking past other people who happens to be on their path. She just simply shoved them and nudged them. I was walking from behind and it was too late, when they bumped Eric's back making him lean his whole body forward to a table he was entertaining. Aaaah.. Disaster. I quickly apologized , to which when he turned around and saw me, said it's ok and that its no problem. A little while later, San Juan Mayor JV Ejercito was saying goodbye to the Eric's wife and Dominic when I saw Yaya and Czesca approaching, I pulled Ryan and told him " Oh nO. bubunguin nya si Mayor JV..." Luckily she didn't. :)
After the serene party, we strolled in the mall for a while. We bought Czesca her first pair of boots. Wow. It was so lovely. Plus it was on SALE. hahaha. So although we were just to buy her a pair of walking sandals that make noises when you put your weight on it, we decided , we are getting her these boots as well.

Religious Devotion to Healthy Diet Contract ;p - Certified Kalokohan
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Religious Devotion to Healthy Diet Contract ;p

hahaha :P
Last night I had one piece burger steak meal and one spaghetti meal for dinner and one Hotsilog for Midnight Dinner. ( plus a bag of chips)
Grabeh. And for lunch today I had one piece chicken meal.
I am still weighing 130lbs. still way too fat.
i have to follow a diet religiously. Yes i blogged this so it can add obligation on my part. Now if i dont do it, you can say "o akala ko ba seryoso ka na" then maiinis ako,tapos galit na tayo..:P joke!. so mahihiya ako. Ive been looking quite unhealthy for too long.
For pictures i can have angles to not look fat.
for an unbloated looking tummy. I can skip a meal and then turn into a gobbler monster right after.
not really very effective. :P and not really permanent kapag puro ganun di ba?
I honestly really didnt want to blog this at first, because some people might perceive me shallow and whatever.
( society has a way of judging those who strive for change or improvement)
But maybe actually sharing i feel fat, commits me to my goals.
Dont worry, i do not aim to be anorexic or stick looking.
I just want get back to being fit and healthy.
And i guess wanting to do so does not make a person unhappy, but rather happy enough to go for so.
haha - im just encouraging myself. ;p
I have already printed a schedule ending up to my birthday which falls on next month.
September 28,07. I'll be turning 18! hahaha... bahala na kayo manghula, give me a bad age, ill give you foot slap. ;p
cheer for me in your prayers. haha or not.
rah-rah-rah-cherryl mataba.
papayat pa ba ang lumba-lumba?
:P hahaha
If i am successul ( yes..bigat!) hehe, i'll treat myself to whatever i want to buy on the 29th of September, (that is within whatever budget is available. :p (kala ko sky is the limit...)
this should come with my signature.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Manila; Sinabawang Gulay.
O ayan nanaman ako, una Manila the fruit salad ngayon naman Manila; Sinabawang gulay.
Yes, finally the Dry spell in Luzon is almost broken (over ). All thanks to Chedeng. (actually the name of the storm, and definitely not referring to any brand of automobile or to myself lalo na). It was raining since last night and a little since last afternoon. This morning, classes have been suspended in all levels except for college level, it will be the school's discretion to have or not have class. Anyway Ryan shook me up:
Ryan: Ang lakas ng bagyo labylab, walang pasok, wala kayong pasok. text mo office kung may pasok kayo.
Che: (peeks a little and closes my eyes) anu ba...meron. mamaya na wag ka magulo.
Ryan: Sabi nga sa news. na suspend na lahat ng class in all levels, elementary, grade school and college halos wala na rin pasok.
Che: anu ka hindi naman ako student.. meron nga yan.
Ryan: malay mo wala
Che: Meron. meron. meron.meron.
Meron nga. I took a hot bath, grabeh ang lamig. I kissed them goodbye and I was off to work.
Naisip ko ang sarap sanang matulog dahil malamig pa, Tapos si Ryan wala siya work today, house lang siya, kainggit. But again.... things to do...places to be.
When the elevator opened on the ground floor. Para akong swerteng pinag aagawan ng mga pedicab driver "dito dito dito" (sabay kaway) I chose the one who hasnt given me yesterday's change. "dito na lang ako, may utang sa akin to' ".
He pedaled through Luzon St. bridge and we went in to Avenida. We got stuck in the traffic although every now and then the cab would budge a little. I had to put my feet up during the ride because the streets were flooded. Every movement makes little waves and fountain splashes and flood would get in the sidecar washing (although dirtying is more like it) my feet if i had let it down. The flood water was 4 inches-above-the-ankle deep. Some just bravely pulled their pants up, folded the bottom and trekked the DEAD sea. Dead- dahil patay ka sa mga bacteria at kahindik-hindik na kung anu-ano pa na babasa sa balat mo sa pagsulong mo sa baha. Mga tourist dito na kayo, if you're into immersions, adventure to'. :)
Kung sana hindi kinukurakot ng politiko ang pera ng bayan, eh di naipapayos ang dapat ayusin, at kung sana may malasakit ang pinoy sa kanyang paligid, eh di sana mas malinis at malamang iwas baha tuwing umuulan. Kung sakali, sana litrato ng magandang eksena ang bawat pag ulan sa Maynila.
Manila is a fruit salad, pero pag may baha, sinabawang gulay. :) You'll meet a lot of different people here, different lifestyles, different beliefs. A lot of things can happen to you. A lot of changes. And a whole lot of challenges. Makulay nga buhay eh. Even in toughest shit, if you know how, you can see beautiful things through. Admittedly, the city is also a lot of other things 'but' and 'and' if i am to live forever dito sa Pilipinas (which has about 85% chances of coming true) hahaha :p, I will live dito lang sa Manila. Sure I'd visit Cebu, Palawan, Batangas, Pampanga, Bagiou, Mindanao etc. etc. but I'm forever Manila.
Pero kung out of the country ha, sama ako jan. :) dalhin ko na lang sa heart ang Manila.hehehe
Love Your Own.
Ay! kanina nga pala muntik na ako mag mala-gymnastic split sa Recto while hailing for taxi. Siguro o.a kasi ako, hahaha. When I stepped back down kasi may stepping height yung sidewalk, My left foot landed on a slippery area and i sort of slid a little, thanks sa maduduming poste ng Recto, nakahawak ako kaagad at hindi ako tuluyang nag mala-wet look doon. Utang ko sa inyo ang aking pagmu-mukha.hehehe
Of course, medyo nahiya ako, supposedly magta-taxi nga ako pero nung may dumating na bus, sumakay na ako kaagad. hahaha marami kasing nakakakita sa akin. Act cool, then mamaya ka na mag panic. hahaha :)
Di bale next time, blog me about yung mga beautiful places sa Manila. In time.
Mali ang Unang Weather Forecast Ko. (",)
grabeh,I was quite sure yesterday was a bad day for me, whee, was i wrong. My cellphone was text-free the whole morning except for the GLobe message alerts. Around 3:45 in the afternoon, it rang. The old ring tone 'You and Me' by Cassie played (it is not like i dont want to change my ringtone but its the only ringtone available on my phone. wahahaha :P pa-bluetooth naman jan please :) ) It was Ryan calling, so i thought to myself "aba, finally naalala niya ako.hmp!" and I rejected the call, dead-ma. Then Abigail stood up and said " Che may bisita ka". I stood up and saw Ryan's grinning face through the glass window of our office front door. Nagulat na nga ako dun pa lang. She opened the door as I was on my way to the door myself (determined to stay masungit)when he lifted from his left hand a big boquet of beautiful flowers. Everyone was just as surprised as I was. My sungit face transformed into a siopao-grinning face in a split second. They started to tease me and I felt my face getting warmer. Jane: Uuuy! si Che nag bla-blush! I think i heard some more ''wow's'' echoing. "This day is absolutely happy".dot!dot! dot! He was grinning all the time. I really didnt expect him to appear with flowers in his hands, I simply thought he came early to pick me up and wanted to use the office restroom.
The boquet was huge awkward and then sabi ko
Che: buti nadala mo yan, hehe ang laki, nakakahiya, awkward...
Ryan: "Ang tunay na lalaki hindi naman nahihiya magbitbit ng flowers, magbigay ng flowers" (para sa mahal niya)
Che: Wow, proud. very proud ah.. ;p (impressed ako ha.)
Ryan: (laughed) hahaha pinapalakas ko lang ang loob ko. ;p
Ryan and Che : BWAHAHAHAHA :P
DINNER:I was thinking Cibo, for the pasta, but i was really craving for stea
Ryan already ate because he just came from RP team practice where they have packed lunch every after practice so he was still too full and I didnt want to force him also because his intestines are to be taken special caution of, not to overload it or over stressed. I ordered and ate all by myself one solo platter of spaghetti (without cheese) and one T-bone steak w/ rice (side dish: corn nips). Super busog :P TAKAW! GLUTTON! ;p I had to unbutton my pants afterwards hihihi. I also helped him finish off the appetizer: fried potato skins. :)
I also had chocolates for dessert. Ferrero Rocher - courtesy of my labylab. :) walang katapusang kain. :) (sa bahay ko na naubos yung natirang chocolates)
Che: Alam mo niloloko nila ako sa office, sabi ko nga sasabihin ko sa yo next time na "next time sana alahas naman" :p joke.
Ryan: Ah ganon ah...(then he unzipped his bag and pulled out a red small box.)
Che: (smiles from ear to ear) anu yan? wow. may alahas nga.:0
Ryan: Hindi mashadong okay yan pero yan muna for now ha.
For our last stop,We dropped by some stalls inside Greenhills and bought Czesca a Tommy Hilfiger (over-run) dress jumper. It was raining when we decided to leave. We had to offer additional 50php to the taxi driver just to give us a ride.
In the taxi, like it was a sign of good blessing, (thats how we want to look at it. walang kontra :p) a little girl knocked on our window to sell us Sampaguita. On other days, I would have honestly but not proudly not buy, but i was in a thanksgiving mood. I told Ryan to shell out some coins. We bought one to complete the blessed day. You may refer to photo below for our blessed sampaguita string necklace (doesnt fit my head though ;p) for the price of 10 php. The taxi took off and I dropped Ryan off The Arena (as he still had work to do) and then I went straight home.
Conclusion: I therefore conclude that base on the smile still on my face and the excitement in my heart, Yesterday was a happy day.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Why do i notice?
Araw ng Kalbo.

Friday, August 3, 2007
Toothpaste; hindi lang pang ipin, pang pimple pa :)

Thursday, August 2, 2007
Dejavu in Dreams.
Around 11:45 am this morning,I chose to sleep rather than have lunch. My tummy ached and I was not in the mood for lunch. I curled up on the long cream leather sofa inside my boss's office. I can hear my officemates, opening their lunch and chatting from the conference room while i sense myself getting sleepier. Their voices fading in every next second that passed. I would wake up every now and then to turn from side to side or check the time. The last time I checked it was 12:57pm, and Abigail found her spot on two other single leather couches pushed in a way towards each other to form a bed.
Not long after or so it seemed, I felt myself awake but couldnt get my eyes to open. I can't move.
I relaxed and forced my eyes to open but it didn't. I thought " oh God, Binabangungot ba ako? Wake me up please".
I forced and forced till I pulled my body up just as fast as i was able to open my eyes and looked around. A sigh of relief was coming until i realized I was still on lying position and my eyes were still closed. "Oh my God the first one was a nightmare" This time It's real, I cant open my eyes. I did the same thing again and pulled my self up only to discover right after that i still had my eyes closed and that i was back on the lying position again. I was getting scared. I mustered all my strength to open my eyes up, and it cracked open a little bit but still i wasnt moving. My body was still. Then I woke up only to find out for the third time that my eyes were still closed and i was still asleep. It was really creeping me out. (Struggling to wake up for the third time , only to find out that you were still asleep and it has been just a dream like the first two times i woke up.) I called Abigail's name in my head, to help me, I called until i began crying and until I can finally hear my voice. My eyes were still closed. I think by that time Abigail heard me, She responded to my moans but walked away crying herself. (which was weird.) Then i woke up. I woke up for real and learned that the fourth time where in i was calling her name had also only been just a dream. A dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream. Really weird. It was like being trapped in the same scenario over and over again. I sat still for awhile before i headed for the restroom. I washed my face with cold water to make sure Im awake and if im not, then for myself to wake up. 1:30pm - Just in time to get back to work.
It was a really weird sleep. Unlike some people, I do not wish to die in my sleep. I really want to have time to say goodbye and all that drama first. :)